Onili … super fun catchy electro-pop from Israel. Great video, and I have to say, I really dig everything I hear from her.

Go Chic brings more electro-pop, but from Taiwan. Young and rowdy and, well just dance! Their new album I am Confused is released mid March. Fun edgy songs – that’s their point. I love “Hardate.”  As the lyrics says, “We are your reason to dance.”

I can’t wait for more from both these bands. Cuz it’s all just that good!

Good gravy how did i miss this band?

They are just the right combo of electronic music and rock, which is heavy on the elctro side, with a rock edge (rock sounds like such an odd word these days). And if you visit their facebook page, you can learn the 7 anagrams for Tigersapien, my favorite being peeing sitar …

I love this band. I mean I love them, a lot. 

Punk that’s got a melodic tinge and hints of rockabilly.  I loved how all the song titles on Sitting Army incorporated the word cobra. Their most recent release, American Rubicon, delivers oodles of great sing-along worthy tracks.

Bubblegum + crack = Rauberhole sounds. Sugary crazy tweeked out plastic pop.

Live shows come with a bear, pinky unicorn, ballerinas, piggy, rabbit and a lot of puppets. The down under gettin’ kooky!

Madlib is

February 21, 2010

Madlib. Really, what can be said? Prolific beyond imagination. Removing boundaries with every new project. He is the culmination of hip hop, soul, jazz, funk, experimentation … the very definition of melding.

His work/projects include Beat Konducta, Quasimoto, Yesterday’s New Quintet, Jaylib, Madvillan, The Last Electro Acoustic Space Jazz & Percussion Ensemble, and more! Inspiration. Jazz or hip-hop … his focus on beats/music is on point. A mini docu. on/about him:

And then there was Uffie

February 20, 2010

First time I heard ‘Pop the Glock’ I new Uffie was the cat’s meow. 

It’s mc-styled electroclash and it’s pop and it’s attitude. Check out her myspace page to hear the latest single “MCs Can Kiss.”

SXSW 2010

February 20, 2010

It’s that time again people. Research those bands, stalk up on sleep, and find the most comfortable shoes you can. Less than a month away. Many/most of my posts from now on will be about bands showing at SXSW this year. So the music may not be brand new, but relevant to showcases!

**Bands subject to change, bailout, or be too drunk to make their show.

So I’ve been floundering over posting about the new Elmore Judd album.

The problem being, the previous album was complete and utter alternative funk for me. If my mp3’s were vinyl, I would have worn the grooves out. Loved it and stalked a new album. Then … the new album arrives. And I listen. And, well, it just wasn’t the same. Then I realized … it’s not the same, but that doesn’t make it bad – just different, and change is good, right? Right! So now …. I like the album for what it is. Elements of jazz, gypsy/folk, and mystery – for a lack of a better term – sneak into the overall funk vibe. You can preview all the tracks here. At the end of the day, I do love this new album too. But here’s a throwback video from his previous album, Insect Funk.

Vampires of Dartmoore

February 17, 2010

Horror groove gone mad, i mean bad, and bad as in baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

If you were into Vampyros Lesbos at all, then you will dig this just as much. A little kinky and a lotta funky. 60’s German groove all crazy styled.

I mean seriously the cat’s meow of indie pop electro-punk marching band music.

I try to write about new music and stuff just hitting, but sometimes you gotta do a throw back. Their last album was released in 2008, but I can’t get it off my brain. I get weird to it daily. And more importantly,  you should too. It goes way beyond a party in your pants. You can hear lots of their songs here, i highly hands down must urge you to listen to “Grow Your Own F-ing Mustache.” This is a clip from 2009’s SXSW.