
May 23, 2012

I have listened to this jam 5 million times. I think it’s the beat – isn’t that what gets you on it? Kind of a creeper effect. That whole Twirligig is worth a good listen. Trips. More to listen to here (click his name for expanded tracks)


Jonti info right here.

It’s Your Birthday

May 22, 2012

Morrissey, as a member of The Smiths changed everything.  One of the greats.

Previous Smiths musings.

*image via.

My posting skills have been well, sparse. I’m sure it happens to other bloggers. A distraction leads to a lapse leads to questioning leads to … falling off the face of the blog world. I just felt like the blog was getting away from what it is supposed to be. It is, a place for the music of my life and my life connected to Modplexi. I became burdened with this feeling of having to constantly put new music out there and on some level, keep up with other music blogs. Focus shifted, I hope to get back on the path of music as it exists in life: life as creative is a mix of old/new/discovered/rediscovered.

*Thx for patience and listening.